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xThanks! That's very helpful
Posted: 8 months ago Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, IN

What is MS round pipe?

55.00 INR

Description 35 views

These pipes are mostly used in engineering applications and in industries where corrosive fluids are provide. Also, the MS pipes are used in plumbing, firefighting, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems to supply drinking water. Because mild steel is coated with paints, varnish, and other metals, which makes them long-lasting and able to function in extremely demanding circumstances, it does not corrode. Additionally, MS Round Pipe are temperature resistant. MS Pipes can easily be welded and formed into various shapes and sizes for use in pipelining and tubing as they are made of mild steel.


Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
Contact No: 09643472264
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JRS Pipes And Tubes JRS Pipes and Tubes is the best MS Pipe Dealers that came to the present in 2000 with a mission to give the best pipe answers for India. We give diverse sorts of pipes and tubes like gentle steel empty segment (SHS, RHS), gentle steel round pipes, GI Pipe Dealers, MS Square Pipe, MS Rectangular Pipe, Seamless Pipe Dealer, MS Round Pipe, consistent pipes and so forth that addresses all sort of seepage, water supply and industry issue in a cost-successful way. We JRS Pipes and Tubes consistently has faith in customer fulfilment so we give high-performing, quality item and administration to our clients who esteem us in the administrative role in the pipes and tubes industry. In this cutting-edge corporate world, where development and advancement are the only things that are in any way important for business to be effective; the establishment of all other companies is laid with a dream of making a larger number of benefits than their partners. Also, to dominate this race, the majority of them fail to remember the distinction between reasonable and uncalled-for bargains. However, JRS Pipes and Tubes are not one such organization. In contrast to other people, we follow business morals. This is the thing that our clients appreciate us for. Posting for 8+ months

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