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xThanks! That's very helpful
Posted: 10 months ago Noida, Uttar Pradesh, IN

NGO WORLDS - NGO Registration Professionals In India

201301.00 INR

Description 32 views

NGO Worlds is an initiative managed by a team of experienced professionals who provide assistance in setting up NGO structures for developmental activities. Their team includes professionals such as CAs, CSs, Lawyers, Engineers, Web Developers, and Bankers with vast experience in the legal domain. They have extensive networking and connections in the corporate world and senior government functionaries, and aim to make the process smooth and uncomplicated for their clients. Overall, NGO Worlds is a reliable organization that offers expert assistance in developmental activities.


Contact No: 07503563192
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NGO WORLDS NGO Worlds is an initiative managed by a team of experienced professionals who provide assistance in setting up NGO structures for developmental activities. Their team includes professionals such as CAs, CSs, Lawyers, Engineers, Web Developers, and Bankers with vast experience in the legal domain. They have extensive networking and connections in the corporate world and senior government functionaries, and aim to make the process smooth and uncomplicated for their clients. Overall, NGO Worlds is a reliable organization that offers expert assistance in developmental activities. Posting for 10+ months

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