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Ais 140 gps for commercial vehicle

5500.00 INR

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Today, not only spacecraft but airlines, shipping companies, trucking firms, courier companies, car rental services and drivers everywhere use GPS to track vehicles, people, follow the best and nearest route to get them from point A to B in the shortest possible time.
Our GAGAN-01 Ais 140 gps for commercial vehicle approved by Indian Government and certified by ARAI ICAT
So, to explain the technology in simpler terms, Global Positioning System is a network of circumnavigating satellites that send accurate details of their position in space back to earth.
These signals are received by you through Google maps or receiver which lets you follow and track certain locations.


Contact No: 09090101030
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Roadpoint Team Roadpoint one of the biggest GPS tracking service providers in India offers fleet tracking solution with advance GPS tracking device comes with smart features SOS panic button, Fuel tracking, Driver behaviour, Travel history and many more attractive features and our Award winning application The Track Boss for your Car, Cab, Bike, Taxi from anywhere anytime from your smartphone. Our GPS tracker is approved by the Indian Government and certified by ARAI ICAT. Posting for 1+ year

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